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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hissing Halloweiners

Any little tummy will love these Hallowieners made with Rhodes frozen roll dough. Your costumed creatures will howl with fright-night delight to the very last bite.

6 Rhodes Texas™ Rolls, thawed but still cold
3-inch square aluminum foil
6 hot dogs
8 currants or small raisins
1 egg, beaten
1 red licorice lace

Roll each roll into a 15-inch snake, leaving one end a little thicker for the head.
Using a knife and a toothpick, cut slashes and poke holes to decorate the body of the snake.
On larger end of snake poke holes for the nose and slice a 1 1/2-inch opening for the mouth.
Crinkle up the aluminum foil and place in mouth to wedge it open during baking.
Cut slashes across the tail section to resemble a rattler.
Wrap snake around a frank and place on a large sprayed baking sheet.
Poke deep holes for eyes and press currants into them.
Brush well with egg and let rise for 15 minutes.
Bake at 350°F for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown.
Place on a cooling rack and carefully remove foil.
Poke a 3-inch piece of licorice into the throat.
Clip the end to make it look like a forked tongue

(from the Rhodes website)

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